Rudolph Michael Ten-Pow, permanent representative and ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Guyana to the United Nations, has announced that Guyana will be chairing the G77 in 2020, after the country led the conference 20 years ago under the leadership of then, Ambassador Rudolph Insanally.
“Guyana was a smaller, poor country than we are now, when we were elected to the chairmanship,” said Ambassador Ten-Pow, adding that 2020 is shaping up to be a good year for Guyana, beginning with a new chapter in history. “For the first in our generation we will achieve economic independence. It is an exciting time for Guyana,” he shared.
The diplomat, who welcomed CARICOM Members States, Guyana’s Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Riyad Insanally, and Consul General of Guyana to New York, Barbara Atherly, during a festive luncheon on Dec. 12 at the Mission in New York City, reflected on 2019 as an eventful year, that saw the mission hard at work at the United Nations. He noted that issues such as migration, climate change were discussed.
He extended holiday greetings and cautioned guests to drink in moderation, ‘but if you must drink,’ he quipped, let your drink of choice be El Dorado, (Rum of Guyana), of which my Caribbean brothers and sisters, have come to accept is the finest rum in the world, he said with laughter.
Megeyla Austin, also extended Christmas greetings to the packed room, where all enjoyed appetizing Guyanese dishes, during the hours-long joyous occasion.