Beres Hammond releases ‘Never Ending’ album

Beres Hammond releases ‘Never Ending’ album|Beres Hammond releases ‘Never Ending’ album
Photo by Alexandra Simon|Photo by Alexandra Simon

He’s back.

Legendary Jamaican singer Beres Hammond celebrated the recent release of his latest album with fans at the VP Records Store in Queens on Oct. 17.

Founder of VP Records, Pat Chin accompanied the reggae superstar at a Meet and Greet held to commemorate the event which included the signing of albums. His album “Never Ending,” is his first project in six years. But he said credit of his newest release goes to the labels, as much as himself.

“I will record like 30 songs and give it to Harmony House and VP so they will have the problem of sorting it out,” he said. “So they pick the songs that will form a story, so I won’t take credit for that.”

The 14-track album is nothing short of what made Hammond a household name — it features songs about life and romance.

Known for his classic family jams, many stemming from the late 70s and early 80s, Hammond’s music maintains his traditional sound.

He also said he admired the new music and the up and coming artistry, but hoped that the younger generation of artists command attention through their skills and artistry.

“I like where it is in terms of publicity. The youths have some serious talent, I just wish they would stop sometimes and think about what they’re saying,” said Hammond. “When you reach a certain time in life you start feeling shame. So think first and give me some nice music.”

“Never Ending” is currently out.

Reach reporter Alexandra Simon at (718) 260–8310 or e-mail her at Follow her on Twitter @AS1mon.
Photo by Alexandra Simon