BLM Brooklyn prez wants more focus on ‘true sacrifices’ of veterans

Black Lives Matter Brooklyn Prez, Anthony Beckford.
Black Lives Matter Brooklyn Prez, Anthony Beckford.
Courtesy Anthony Beckford

Black Lives Matter Brooklyn President Anthony Beckford wants more focus on the “true sacrifices” of veterans.
“When it comes to celebrating Veterans Day, I can honestly say that I see more people focused on the sales and deals they receive due to the sacrifices of many,” Beckford, the son of Jamaican immigrants, who served in the US Marine Corps, told Caribbean Life on Monday.
“There is no focus on the true sacrifices, the mental health challenges, and the lack of resources and services for veterans once we come back home,” added Beckford, who is also a published author, political consultant and community advocate.
“Corporations need to stop distracting the people from the true meaning and reason for Veterans Day,” he continued. “I salute my fellow Veterans and stand with them always.”
Beckford, founder of Save Our Youth Initiative, said the group’s sole purpose is “to engage with youth in underserved communities to minimize their chances of being involved in gun and gang violence, and to provide much-needed resources and services to them and their families.”
Beckford joined the US Marine Corps in 2001, a few months before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States.
He said the military was something that he “looked forward to participating in since childhood.”
Beckford said he originally signed up as an amphibian assault gunner, but was given the opportunity to become a Cannon Crewman due to the closing of his “first choice job.”
During his service, Beckford said he was awarded the National Defense Ribbon.
Unfortunately, during his service, he was injured and is disabled, but he said his spirit to fight for the people continues.