Older women were given their due on Saturday, Sept. 10 at the Langston Hughes Library in Corona when Elder Betty Dopson lathered them with praise, encouragement and helpful hints for enriching their lives.
Women and men in the audience, with ages of 25 to 92 heard Dopson reveal some of the spectacular achievements of ordinary elder women whose work enhanced the race. Briefly reviewing the lives of several characters from her latest book, Dopson shared highlights of several women including Dr. Adelaide Sanford, Nana Camille Yarbrough and Sister Lina Moore.
“If you believe the hype” said Dopson, “you will find yourself paying $100 for creams and emollients to erase facial wrinkles. Most of those cosmetics costs mere pennies to manufacture.” About the popular Botox injections that paralyze facial muscles, Dopson said, “what woman in their right mind would inject a substance used to tranquilize horses into their face, to have their facial muscles frozen for three to six months?” Offering suggestion for far less expensive, yet safe, alternatives Dopson offered her book entitled, “Shared Secrets of Elder Sisters: Who Prove That Age is Just a Number” as a source for rejecting the hype that aging is a disease rather than a blessing.