Former Jamaican PM to work for UWI

The University of the West Indies (UWI) recently announced the appointment of former Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding as an honorary distinguished fellow.

UWI has in the past also named former Prime Minister Michael Manley and Edward Seaga to similar positions.

It said the five-year non-salaried appointment came into effect on Feb. 1, 2014 and would provide Golding, 67, the island’s eighth head of government who stepped down in October 2011, an opportunity to undertake empirical research and offer recommendations with emphasis on public administration and economic development.

The region’s premier university with campuses in Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago said the appointment would also allow Golding, the former leader of the main opposition Jamaica Labor Party (JLP), to develop linkages between the public and private sectors with a view of identifying and promoting practical areas for dynamic collaboration.

UWI said that an un-named group of corporate citizens had committed to underwrite expenses associated with Golding’s work.

Golding’s personal papers including speeches and presentations are also to be archived at the UWI.