No to casino gambling

Citizens in Defence of Grenada’s Lands and Heritage (CDGLH) has noted with dismay the introduction of legislation in the House of Representatives last Thursday, Aug. 14, to permit casino gaming in hotels with at least 300 rooms. We wish to repeat and to place on record our unequivocal, unapologetic opposition to this measure as a strategy to promote economic development, particularly the tourism sector. We heard that the legislation seeks to facilitate “quality entertainment in a pure environment.” Poor Grenada!

Our opposition to casino gambling is not a moral one. Firstly, we believe that it is short-sighted measure which sells our people short and does not develop the real skills and talent of our people and secondly, in the not so long term, it will create more problems than it brings benefits. While law makers may wish to close their eyes to the known negative impacts of casino gambling, including the links between casino gambling and organized crime, that does not negate the well documented reality. If they care to read, then we provide the following links for their information:-







We also do not support the setting up of any facilities in Grenada, which will discriminate against Grenadian participation except as servers and waiters of one sort or the other.

Camerhogne Park

We are also concerned about recent allegations that operators of booths in the Camerhogne Park area have received notices which suggest that they will not be allowed to continue operations. Should we be concerned? Is the people’s property, Camerhogne Park, under threat from investors? Citizens in Defence of Grenada’s Lands and Heritage urges “we the people” to continue to be vigilant to ensure that Camerhogne Park is protected.

August 18, 2014

Citizens in Defence of Grenada’s Lands and Heritage
