To The Editor:
This letter is written on the behalf of Mr. Cyrus Hall, a Jamaican native who resides in the U.S.
As a direct result of an alleged botched eye surgery and Mr. Hall’s ineligibility to secure aid, he is currently facing extreme hardship.
He has tried without success to get some answers from the doctor responsible for the operation, and several legal consultations and letters written on Mr. Hall’s behalf, but none of which has provided a feasible solution.
Mr. Hall was the sole breadwinner for his family and prior to this infamous surgery had a successful business. As a direct result of his rapidly deteriorating health, he has had to put the business aside, with hope that one of us would one day revive his company.
This letter is a plea for help as well as the initiative to begin an advocacy movement for immigrants who may be in a similar situation. Please, if there is anyone or any organization who could be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. All support will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
Melonie Hall,