Young CEO writes book for tween girls

Young CEO writes book for tween girls|Young CEO writes book for tween girls

Only nine years old, trail blazer and CEO/President of Rub A Dub Spa Parties For Kids Inc. Jamila Thompson writes a book for tween girls called, “You Work It Girl: A Tween’s Guide For Beauty, Fashion and Other Cool Stuff.”

The purpose of her book is to educate tween girls ages eight to 12 years old on the importance of being all they can be early in life, while having self-confidence, girl power and exercising leadership skills.

“You Work It Girl” is beautifully written and loaded with informative tips including-being a leader not a follower, eating healthy, accessorizing outfits without buying something new, dealing with bullies, money management and so much more. It is Jamila’s belief that girls everywhere should learn to embrace and to cherish their own unique qualities if they are going to be successful in life. No tween girl will want to be without this book.

Jamila is serious about living out her dream of being successful early in life. She is the founder and president of her own business called, Rub A Dub Spa Parties For Kids Inc.. founded almost two years. On the menu are all natural facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, make-up and a finale run-way diva fashion show featuring the party guests.

Rub A Dub Spa utilizes birthday parties and other celebrations as a vehicle through which to teach girls self-love and encourage self-respect. As president of her own business, Jamila often gives the final say in who works there and who she needs to fire if they can’t step up. So far she has only had to let go one worker. This pint size CEO is no joke!

Jamila has also recently appeared on the Mo’nique Show.