To The Editor:
When, from any vantage point, one aspires to pioneer impartial societal advancement, success invariably hinges on allegiance with ideal others of same and diverse fields of endeavor and expertise. With global peace and prosperity via poverty-extinction in focus, GrassrootsUp Morality Alliance (GUMA) fully embraces the invaluable shared-charity approach that links the all-encompassing gist of our farmers, healers, physicists, physicians, historians, theologians, philosophers, architects, educators, journalists, artists, poets, musicians, songwriters, choreographers, comedians, producers, performers, directors, entrepreneurs, including grassroots-up political and community advocates who would join the growing consortium of selfless humanity, bent on resetting the current socioeconomic paradigm on its true moral axis of worldwide basic sufficiency.
Call to Action! America, the reigning global empire, decisively surpasses exploits of similar forerunners. From this frame of reference, America is typically plagued by vestiges of her discolored history-in-the-making. Thus we, the mindful peoples-at-large, must heed the clarion call for rescue of this gravely challenged democracy. Sustained antiquated traditions and laws of oppression do not only destabilize societal fabric; these symptoms foretell a severely wounded sphere where recovery rests squarely on grassroots-up rally of all its peoples. That all-inclusive cultural diversity enhances the whole; success demands functional Egalitarian Peoples Network (EPN) where mutual-trust, via goodness of heart, permeates from innocence through ElderHood and beyond.
Enduring Relics! If global peace and prosperity would ensue, here are a few enduring relics that must be uprooted from the current ruling empire: I) an immigration policy based on a reliable slave-wage labor force that keeps just a privileged few in absolute control, II) terribly unjust race-based incarceration primarily targeting young black and brown males who would otherwise be enriching their communities, III) a manufacturer-induced gun-violence culture that cleverly cast all blame for resultant carnage on perpetrators and victims alike, IV) the ever-growing cruelty of income/wealth disparity that consigns workers to humiliating hunger, homelessness, ill-health and fatality, and V) an irrational military industrial complex fuelling global wars and abject poverty.
From grassroots-up! Despite the military supremacy and humanitarian points-of-light she proudly brandishes, holding fast to these harsh customs, and bears witness to an ailing American global leadership. Left unbridled, such steadfast domestic biases will forever foster avoidable global turbulence. Thus rising to the rescue, we, all mindful peoples of indigenous and distant lands, must pool our true morality (goodness-of-heart) from grassroots-up.
Cautionary note: Equilibrium demands undying resistance to status quo.
Austin Tuitt (Elder T):
United Peoples Inclusive
GrassrootsUp Morality Alliance
Vision: Destined to Promote Global Peace & Prosperity from Grassroots Up