Dimple Willabus, candidate for NYC City Council District 46, certainly knows how to “rev-up” a crowd. The budding politician, dressed like a “Nascar” driver, June 12, kicked off the first day of voting, with a motorcade rally that circled the community she hopes to lead.
Willabus, is a Guyanese-American community advocate, and 20-year resident of Mill Basin, a hamlet in District 46, that encompasses flatlands, Georgetown, Gerritsen Beach, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Mill Island, Sheepshead Bay, and Canarsie.
The hardworking, tenacious candidate, who, over the COVID-19 pandemic, hosted food and mask distributions throughout the district, held a poster with her image above her head, as she exited a lime green Lamborghini sports car in front of her 5012 Avenue N, campaign office.
Fighting to achieve a more just, equitable and inclusive Brooklyn, Willabus told an adoring group of supporters that the rally was an extension of what she had been saying since she began her campaign. “Go bigger or go home, it is about diversity and inclusion, everybody, including the car community.
“We have said it from the get-go, we don’t only talk about what we do, we show it” she said, and spoke of her active campaign office that has engaged the community, before acknowledging the importance of early voting.
“Seize the opportunity to vote and exercise your right to do so,” said Willabus, noting that her office will reclaim the community by putting people first.
“Anybody who don’t go out and vote, you are actually voting for the person you don’t want in office, so it is imperative to exercise your civic duty,” she said, adding that early voting will run through June 20. General polling is June 22.
She thanked husband, Winston Willabus, daughter Chantelle, son-in-law Brian, younger children, Anaya and Brandon, mother, Gloria, and her volunteer team, noting that all her success, thus far, is due to their support.

“Today it’s about you. “We could accomplish more, if we work together,” said the candidate, to loud applause.
Willabus is committed to increasing educational funding, creating better youth and senior services, improving social programs and creating economic growth through small business development, under the banner, Integrity, Leadership, Commitment.
“Today, was another opportunity to demonstrate action! As I’ve always said, it takes all of us to bring the change we envisioned.”
Willabus, a Caribbean Life Impact Award recipient, also thanked NYPD Officers of the 63rd and 69th Precincts, for escorting the parade through the district.
Scores of residents from the diverse community, came out to support the purposeful candidate, who was endorsed by Mexican-born, Attorney at Law, Alfredo Tapia, whose Lamborghini she traveled in. Chinese-born Betty Hong, in turn, encouraged constituents to go out and vote for Willabus.
Wallabus is a first generation, Guyanese-American, like so many other New Yorkers, who immigrated, to the United States. She has lived the struggle, stayed true to her faith and morals and has found success through a commitment to public service and advocating for her community.
Husband, Winston Willabus said, “as a community, no one can stop us. For too long we were told what we can’t accomplish, and our voice don’t matter, while voter suppression was being used to stop us.”
“If we all whisper together, we will be heard. Come out and exercise your right to vote,” he urged.
Prominent Guyanese personality, and former President of the Guyana Cultural Association, Malcolm Hall, also called on the Guyanese community, to vote for Dimple Willabus.