By Nelson A. King
The Organization of American States (OAS) says its Secretary General, Luis Almagro, and the former president of the Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernandez, held a working meeting on Tuesday during which they discussed the “most urgent challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean,” such as organized crime and citizen insecurity.
At the breakfast meeting, which lasted more than two hours and took place at the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode), Almagro and Fernandez also talked about the Inter-American democratic system; the recent electoral process in Ecuador — during which Fernandez served as Chief of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission — and, “in general, discussed ways of contributing to the institutional strengthening of the region,” the OAS said.
In addition to Almagro and Fernandez, the meeting was attended by the Secretary for Strengthening Democracy of the OAS, Francisco Guerrero; the Chief of Staff of the Secretary General, Gonzalo Koncke; the former vice president of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Alburquerque; Franklin Almeyda Rancier, former Minister of the Interior and Police during the governments of Fernandez; and the Executive Director of Funglode, Marco Herrera.
Regarding Venezuela, “various aspects of the political situation of the country were discussed,” the OAS said.