Honoring women of the past and present, Grenadian American Chantal Jones is dedicating her talents to highlight women who are making history now.
After a visit to Grenada where she witnessed women speaking in derogatory terms, and to her horror, responding to such ugly words, Jones felt it necessary to create a positive reflection for women to feel empowered by.
According to Jones, “While I was going around with my cousin I could see that women were being disrespected all over, and these women were answering.”
Jones, who is also a member of the Grenadian American Young Woman’s Association, has appropriately titled this visual series as “Words of Wisdom.”
The videographer and photographer will release video interviews on both her website and YouTube with mini-profiles of women spanning various backgrounds and careers.
“I felt the best way for me to express the way I was feeling was through video so it will be different women giving tips and words of wisdom to girls and other women letting them know that their lives matter and you don’t have to respond to crap,” she said.
The women involved come from all walks of life including activists, educators, and other professionals.
“It’s a variety of people including people you will know and some that you won’t but they are all still making an impact in their community,” she said.
With a tight deadline and release of her first daily video on March 6, Jones is a one-woman band both shooting and interviewing the subjects.
Throughout this process, she has learned that she has the dedication needed to see a project through without a supporting team.
“I have the ability to actually make a project come to fruition, it’s an important issue to me and I’m just trying to make sure I relay it properly,” she said.
At the end of the month she hopes to compile each video and create a mini-documentary to play on public access television.
Look out for Jones’ videos on her website, chant