Over the Christmas holidays, The People of the Sun Middle Passage Collective, at Brooklyn’s Medgar Evers College (MEC), gave back to the community by hosting a special dinner for residents, and providing toys for children and gifts for adults.
“We specifically focus on giving back during the holiday time because, for some, this is the loneliest and neediest time of the year,” said the group in a statement about the program called “Giving Back to the Community.”
The People of the Sun Middle Passage Collective, a non-for-profit organization, said the extraordinary event took place at MEC’s gymnasium.
It said it worked closely with shelter and/or residence directors in getting permission to pick up “residents in our community” to and from the college.
The People of the Sun Middle Passage Collective said the special dinner was catered by Vee’s restaurant, a very prominent restaurant in the community.
The group said it also provided entertainment “for our guests’ enjoyment.”
“In addition to the residents of shelters and/or residences, we invite residents in our community who may not be homeless, but are also going through difficult times, to join us as well,” The People of the Sun Middle Passage Collective said.
“We also invite the Poise program members, a single mother’s program on the Medgar Evers College campus, to join us as well,” it added.
For more than 30 years, The People of the Sun Middle Passage Collective, said it has engaged in community activism, along with other community organizations and the Medgar Evers College community.
It said the “Giving Back to the Community” program focuses on, among other things, “homelessness in our community.”
The People of the Sun Middle Passage Collective said it originally began this event on Christmas Day at MEC.
“We did this for many years, but, based on the budget cuts at the college, we were advised to do it prior to Christmas,” it said.
The group said its continued partners are Medgar Evers College, MEC Student Government, MEC Student Life, Crown Heights Youth Collective, Medgar Evers Women’s Center, The Medgar Evers Social Work Club, and the LaMa Agency.