Eight-year-old Anaya Lee Willabus, the youngest published author in the New York area, says it was inspiring to write a children’s book, and to encourage her peers about the importance of reading.
Fresh from a world wind tour of the U.S., Canada and Guyana, to promote her titled: The Day Mohan Found His Confidence, the youth was busy recently, at the Annual Guyana Folk Festival in Brooklyn signing copies of her paperback when we talked about her amazing journey thus far.
“This book is not only about my experience, it’s also about others, if you believe in yourself you could do anything you want to, were the words of wisdom from Anaya, who’s book chronicles the life of a boy named Mohan overcoming difficult problems he faced growing up. In this very inspiring storytelling, the author tapped into the everyday challenges of her peers.
“Continue to Dream” and “Reading and Writing Will Always be a Part of Life” are my mottos, said Anaya Lee.
Born to Guyanese parents Dimple and Winston Willabus in Brooklyn, Ayana thanked her mom and dad for the encouragement they gave her.
“I want to encourage other parents to listen to their children, because you never know what they could accomplish, were the intelligent words of Anaya who fell in love with Guyana a year ago on her first visit, and was influenced by her surroundings and the children she met.
This led to her beautiful writings, and a bond she formed with students of that country. During her recent visit, she read to the children. and presented them with copies of her book.
A sports enthusiast, and avid soccer player, Anaya who also holds a Purple Belt in Shotokan Karate, hosted her first book signing event at the Bergen Beach Youth Organization in Brooklyn, and since, has become the superstar, accepting invitations to present her book at charitable events, giving back to the community in the process.
A talent renowned talent at this tender age, Anaya has received many accolades. She was honored with a Proclamation from Assembly Woman Roxanne Persaud during a visit to Albany, and recently, she accepted awards from the Annual Guyana Day during the Children’s Village activities in Brooklyn, and the Guyana Cultural Association where she received an award at a Brooklyn Borough Hall ceremony over the Labor Day Weekend.
A bookworm who enjoys all genres, Anaya was fortunate to grasp the opportunity she received from then Assemblyman Alan Maisel ‘Summer Reading Program”. Today the scribe could very well be on his way to becoming a best-selling author, after all, this pretty young woman has lots more to tell. Good luck! Anaya.
“The Day Mohan Found His Confidence” is sold at www.Rhyth