And the world’s game came to an end!
More than a hundred football fans and enthusiasts turned out for a watch party of the FIFA World Cup final match at Kings Theatre on July 15. The game between France and Croatia entertained dozens of hardcore lovers of the sport, and while France would claim the victory, not too many were pleased with their win, said a deejay at the viewing.
“It seems that everyone in the crowd was for Croatia — because when I played sound effects when France scored a goal everyone was quiet,” said DJ Moonface. “But when I did it for Croatia, everyone was happy.”
The outdoor viewing organized by Flatbush Caton Market and the venue was held in the theatre’s courtyard, and featured music and gaming activities.
As a self-proclaimed non-watcher of sports, DJ Moonface says he opted to root for France since the country’s squad scored the first goal of the game, and says the exciting match kept his attention.
“I’m not into sports much but I was definitely into it and I had all my focus on the game,” he said.
And when the match was over, the mostly team Croatia crowd cleared out pretty quickly, he added.
“A lot of people were ready to go after that, but the screens were still on to show the ceremony and a lot of people stuck around and stayed to party and mingle, and talk about the game,” he said.
The spinmaster played various types of music, from hip-hop, reggae, pop, and calypso for the fans, and says after learning that the next tournament returns in four years — he still hopes to come back for the next viewing.