Mayor of the City of Schenectady, New York, Honorable Gary McCarthy, proclaimed February 23, 2020, Guyana Republic Day in Schenectady, the day Guyana in 1970, when Guyana became a Republic, during a colorful cultural celebration in the Rotunda of City Hall, to honor Guyana’s 50thJubilee Republic Anniversary.
Themed: Guyana Together – Reflect, Celebrate Transform, Mayor McCarthy congratulated Guyanese on their country’s achievement, and thanked them for their contributions, noting that fifty years is a significant milestone in the history of Guyana.
“It is a great day in Schenectady, we are proud that you came together to celebrate, and recognize all the contributions your sons and daughters have made to this community. It was the struggles of your forefathers who have allowed you to enjoy the freedoms you have, to celebrate, he emphasized.
Reading from a Proclamation, presented to Guyana’s Ambassador to the United States, H.E. Riyad Insanally C.C. H., and Consul General of Guyana to New York, Hon. Barbara Atherly – the politician applauded expatriates for their togetherness, and unique diversity, and joined expats on the floor in the spirit of Jubilee.
Congressman Paul Tonko, chuckled, it was Mashramani time, (Guyana’s carnival) and invited compatriots, to get in the mood, during his presentation of a Proclamation. He thanked Mayor McCarthy for hosting the event, along with Guyanese-born John Mootooveren, president, Schenectady City Council and Deputy Chair Philip Fields, while lauding the rich culture and pride that enabled the celebrations.
“As you mark 50 years, it is importance to remember there was much struggle, determination, and determined people, that wanted to make that difference. Your motto of One People, One Nation, One Destiny, is an exciting bit of phraseology because it honors diversity that has to be celebrated. Your creed and ethnicity, is your strength, that unites you, said Ambassador Tonko.
Hon. Philip Fields also presented a Proclamation on behalf of the Schenectady County Legislator, and a Resolution from Assemblyman Angelo Santa Barbara’s office.
Ambassador Riyad Insanally, in his remarks, praised Guyanese who migrated from New York, enticed by previous Mayor of Schenectady, Al Jurczynski, and further encouraged by Mayor McCarty, noting the dynamic force they became in revitalizing the city.
“It makes me proud to hear what you have done, you make Guyana proud and you do yourselves proud,” adding that he was particularly delighted, with the performance of the young people.

“ Reflect, Celebrate, Transform, is most important in this juncture of Guyana’s history,” said the Diplomat.
“This is a time to reflect, on how far we have become as an Independent and Republic nation, there is excitement in the Republic, as it becomes a petroleum state.”
“We are set to become one of the fastest growing, economies in the world, there is much to celebrate, but we need to ensure that rapid growth, translate into proportionate raise of income for our citizens, and revenues spent responsibly, on education, health, public service emoluments, and security, to ensure a better quality of living for all Guyanese.”
“We all have a stake in the long-term sustainability of Guyana, let us celebrate and reflect on how we can successfully transform our dear land of Guyana,” concluded, Insanally
Guyanese-born, Senator Roxanne Persaud who represents, Brooklyn’s 19th District, wished nationals a Happy Republic Anniversary, and thanked Mayor McCarthy for hosting the celebration.
Consul General Barbara Atherly, who provides, consulate services in Schenectady, started by former Deputy Consul General Jacquelyn Hamer, complimented, nationals for their strong patriotism, and for always welcoming, services offered by the consulate.
She said it brings extra fulfillment, and hopes, with their support, it continues.
Celebrated with pride, and love of country, a Procession of the flag of Guyana and the USA, blessings, and dance performances by the Schenectady Hindu Youth, and steel pan music and drumming by the Hamilton Art Center Youth Group, was a fitting Presidents’ Day tribute, the first, such Guyanese pride in Schenectady, that saw a sea of flags being waved, as music and nostalgia filled the municipal building.