To The Editor:
As calls for police intervention in domestic violence cases continue unabated, my experience has been that many officers do not fully understand the physical and emotional effects of domestic violence that victims and even survivors undergo.
It has become clear that there’s urgent need for domestic violence sensitivity training for officers in the New York Police Department.
I want to be a guest speaker at the morning roll call at a few of the precincts in my area, to hopefully enlighten the officers on why it is imperative to handle domestic violence cases with care.
My own experience of attempting to get a summons for an Order of Protection served, and being told by two officers on separate occasions, “Listen, Honey, this is on our time, not yours” and “This order is not going to save your life”.
Certainly, there are always a few bad apples in the bunch, I’m standing firm on reaching out to major players in our city to discuss my proposal for sensitivity training for police officers.
Brooklyn police officers are hard working people whose lives are on the line, everyday; yet, we must remember that the lives of domestic violence victims are also on the line … everyday.”
Renee Collymore
President of the Parliament Democratic Club, Collymore, president of the Parliament Democratic Club, who is also an active member of the National Organization for Women, says she and member of the National Organization for Women,