Salute to columnist Vinette K. Pryce

To The Editor:

Tip of the hat to Caribbean journalist and Inside Life columnist Miss Vinette K. Pryce for her perceptive and thoughtful review of the award-winning, independent feature-length fiction film, “Garifuna In Peril” headlined “Indigenous Hondurans Unite to Preserve Culture.” (Inside Life Column by Vinette K. Pryce, Caribbean Life Newspaper, May 16 through May 22 2014 issue). By extension, a hearty Seremein (“Thanks” in the Garifuna Language) goes to the Caribbean Life newspaper for publishing her review.

Sensitive, and with eyes as sharp as an eagle, Miss Vinette Pryce writes about the some of the nuances at play as the Garifuna people try to maintain and preserve all the aspects of Garifuna culture as expressed by the film. With the current and ongoing border surge crisis involving mostly Central American children taking place at the United States-Mexico border, her notice to your Caribbean Life readers about a film that attempts to tell the survival story of a unique people is as fortuitous as it is profound.

Her writing here is another example of Miss Pryce’s commitment to exploring and writing about all aspects of the Caribbean. Readers of The Caribbean Life Newspaper know that she has spent a long career doing so — with care, passion and insight. It’s that dedication to exploring all aspects of ‘Caribbean Life’ that earns the endless gratitude of the Garifuna People. I hope that those same readers of The Caribbean Life Newspaper are aware of what an international treasure they have with Miss Vinette Pryce. We all gain by Miss Pryce’s insight. Bungiu buma suwan dan (“God be with you always” in the Garifuna nguage), Miss Vinette K. Pryce.


Teofilo Colon Jr.

Founder, pPublisher, editor, writer, photographer and filmmaker for The BEING GARIFUNA Website and Blog.
