Residents in an Upper West Side building are leading a desperate search to find the relatives of their beloved security guard who quietly passed away recently.
Tenants of the Saint Martins Towers on W. 95th Street near Columbus Avenue, want to connect with the family of Byron Waldron, who passed some time in the early fall. According to a 10-year-resident at the building, the guard died a few month ago, and no one knew about it until much later.
“He worked the building’s security during the night shift, and we just found out he passed,” said Lorna Byfield, who is one of many leading the search. “No one put a notice.”
All that is known of Waldron was that he was an older gentlemen from Jamaica, was employed by Garrison Protective Services, and lived in the Bronx with a roommate, according to Byfield.
She adds that his family back home in the Caribbean may not be aware of his sudden passing, but compassionate residents want to connect with them.
“He was in his 70’s and a sweet old man, who for six years, watched over us as we slept,” she said. “I feel like I want to contribute in helping because we don’t know if he had family here, and for me it’s a disgrace not to help search for them, especially for a man who gave such great service.”
Many residents who lived in the building did not know much about Waldron, but felt close to him because of his friendliness and dedicated service.
“The people here are very sympathetic, and if they know someone is in need, they’ll reach to help them,” said Byfield. “We never heard one bad thing about him.”
A representative from his place of employment said his last day of work was Sept. 25, and when he did not show up for his next work day, they were surprised, said a spokeswoman.
“He was very well liked here and when he did not come back to work we were in shock,” said operations manager Debra Salvemini. “Byron was always there to do extra shifts, and help out, and sometimes we don’t get that a lot.”
She said despite never meeting him in person, through phone conversations she had very high opinions about his personality.
“He had a very nice way about him, and I only spoke to him on the phone, but he was well-liked here,” she said. “He was very reliable, always helping out, and would work extra few hours.”
Waldron was known to be a very hard worker who was employed with the company since 2009.
Tenants who grew familiar with him showed concerned and hurt over not being alerted about his death, said Byfield.
“When they would ask him to work overtime he did it, but no one bothered to tell anyone he died,” she said.
Byfield has led the search to learn more information about him and celebrate his life with a memorial, but said she still has not been able to connect with any known relatives.
She believes his body is likely buried in the city’s cemetery for the unclaimed deceased at Potter’s Field on Hart’s Island.
If anyone knew Bryon Waldron or possible relatives he may have had, please contact lbyfi