Instead of a national celebration for accomplishments made during the first year of the Donald Trump administration, on the first anniversary of the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, women demonstrated in record numbers in protest of the sexist, misogynistic and crude leadership also plagued by federal scrutiny and investigation.
Sunnier, warmer and equally defiant about impeaching the president fearless gender braggarts defied last year’s frosty climate, and with weather permitting this time around, hundreds of thousands in New York City, Boston, many more in Chicago, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Seattle and even citizens throughout the world took to city streets to publicly chastise and rebuke the leader who promised to “Make America Great Again.”
“We The People in order to form a more perfect union, must act in solidarity with other progressive groups to gather in the thousands, maybe a million or more to demonstrate to Congress that we have had enough of Trump and his incompetent impeachable offenses against the law,” an invitation from a resistance group called Meetup 2018 said.
One hundred thousand individuals pre-registered to march from 11 in the morning to three in the afternoon from Manhattan’s west side to the east.
Early in the day, the long-described “fairer sex” peddled baby strollers donned odd-shaped pink bonnets, carried provocative message signs and with sons, husbands, spouses, fathers and grandfathers that endorse their sentiments assembled to exercise America’s Constitutional privilege.
“Men of Quality Don’t Fear equality,” a sign carried by a male marcher read.
Another of the same gender displayed: “I stand with Black, Brown, and Bi sisters.”
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
The words are recorded as a preamble and “brief introductory statement of the Constitution’s fundamental purposes and guiding principles. It states in general terms, and courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of the Founding Fathers’ intentions regarding the Constitution’s meaning and what they hoped the Constitution would achieve,” Wikipedia states.
“One year is enough,” “You’re fired!” “Free Melania!” Make America America Again,” “Lock Him Up!” “Tweet Women With Respect,” “We do housework we will clean out the Senate,” and “IKEA has a better cabinet” and one that directly spoke to a woman’s issue demanded “Abort this president in his first term.”
Placards replacing the leader’s name in parody of his negative comments about El Salvador, Haiti and Africa also dominated the route that meandered past Trump Hotels.
At 59th St. & Central Park West where scores of NYPD officers cordoned off the entrance to one of the branded visitor’s retreat, avid protesters held their noses shouting: “Whew! What’s that smell, it’s a s…hole hotel.”
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The stink description dominated signs carried by union members, immigrants, celebrities, politicians, and supporters of the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA) population.
The president said the program formed through executive order by former President Barack Obama in 2012 allowing Dreamers, who came to the U.S. illegally as minors to be protected from immediate deportation would be eliminated in March 5.
Miss Guinea, the reigning beauty queen from the African nation wore her bejeweled tiara to the march. Joined by Gambians and others from the continent, the women emphasized why they “run the world” by responding to the theme “March Into Action” and now historic trend.
Yvonne Leger, a Haitian immigrant, residing in Harlem waved her national flag throughout the march. She had carried the same national banner of her Caribbean homeland to a similar protest called by fellow nationals the day prior to the march and at the Columbus Circle dramatized a consensus many women and men endorse.
She brandished a sign saying “Impeach.”
The one-word message seemed to sum up the hope of demonstrators displaying signs endorsing “Michelle Obama 20/20,” “Oprah 20/20” and others directed to women perceived to be worthy presidential candidates and even more qualified replacement to the 45th.
In addition to demonstrating a feminist stance, women in the crowds registered potential voters while others vowed to run for public office.
Celebrated actresses Rosie O’Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg made their presence felt demonstrating that all women should unify enabling “girl power.”
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer had a contingent of supporters who brandished banners advocating a women’s agenda.
A handmade sign on cardboard read: “Hey Oprah, save your campaign money Buy FOX TV.”
The chants were even more vociferous, messages directed to the polarizing president related: “Still want the tax return,” “This is what Democracy looks like” and “Grab Him by The Midterms.”
Thousands of other amusing, political and damning images decorated the already amplified procession.
Quips related to comments made by POTUS about North Korea’s president, vice president Pence, the Mueller investigation, former chief White House strategist Steve Bannon, the Russian inquest, Puerto Rico, Climate Change, health care, domestic terrorists, racism, Civil Rights, the border wall to shut out Mexicans, Norway’s acclaim, brass bands, musicians and drummers also turned up the volume along the route.
At 4:30 pm one hour and a half after the proposed end, the last of the marchers stepped past the barricaded statue of Christopher Columbus heading toward Fifth Ave.
By that time, America was in the midst of the very first shut-down of its government under a political party with a majority in the Congress, Senate and also the White House.
The Statue of Liberty had closed to the public.
The African Burial Ground and other national parks were also shut.
Thousands of federal workers were furloughed from their jobs and a stalemate between the two political parties captivated the world.
One year into an administration that proposed greatness, President Trump was holed up in the White House, lobbying by phone to win a victory that hindered him from attending his own anniversary gala that reportedly invited guests to pay up to $250,000 to dine and photograph with him.
Earlier in the day he had tweeted “what a beautiful day it is to celebrate.
Meanwhile, the president’s approval rating continues to nose-dive past any previous leaders’. Dropping 18 points from a high of 44 percent it now records him as the least popular first year president.
This year’s women’s march also marked the one-year anniversary of the first Women’s March – the largest single-day protest in the nation’s history.
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