Decide who bakes the Best Birthday Cake in a contest sponsored by Fairway Market at American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Ikea Brooklyn on Saturday, June 11.
Celebrate a lifetime of more birthdays the right way—with more birthday cake! Fairway Market invites you to vote for the most delicious cake from 30 of the city’s best professional and amateur bakers during American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event.
The tasting will begin at 5:00 p.m. under the crane by the waterfront of IKEA in Brooklyn (1 Beard Street) and last until 6:30 p.m. Celebrity judges, Fairway’s Master Baker Sarah Black, Matt Lewis and Rafi Avramoritz of Baked will be officiating the contest along with event attendees who determine the fate of the baker’s cake.
For $5 you can taste the cakes, cheer on your favorite baker, and try as many cakes as your stomach can handle! Once the winner is chosen, all cancer survivors participating in the Relay for Life event will be invited to blow out all the candles on the cakes in celebration of another birthday.
All proceeds benefit American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Ikea Brooklyn. In addition to the cake contest, there will be free activities and entertainment throughout the day from 2:00-11:00 p.m, including tennis lessons, picnic games, live music, Zumbathon, and a cupcake decorating class run by Fairway’s Sarah Black.