CaFA seeks sponsorship for 50th Jubilee Film Fest

Founder of New York-based Caribbean Film Academy (CaFA), Romola Lucas, will return to her homeland, along with co-founder Justen Blaize to showcase the brilliant work of Caribbean and Guyanese filmmakers, during the first Timehri Film Festival in celebration of Guyana’s 50th Independence Jubilee.

Georgetown’s Moray House will showcase an array of short, and feature films from May 18 – 20, in three parts to include, free screenings, followed by a Q&A session.

Film production and directing workshops, and networking opportunities to connect local filmmakers with industry players in Guyana and throughout the diaspora, will also be a part of the festival.

According the Lucas, the project is seeking sponsorship to raise $4000 to make the festival a success.

The monies will go towards securing the venue in Guyana, advertising and marketing, Tee shirts, programs, and banners. For this, the TFF team has set up – an Indiegogo campaign at – and would accept any size contribution.

CaFa, is a non-profit that was established in 2012, and is dedicated to promoting Caribbean filmmaking and filmmakers in the region and the Diaspora.

The film academy is focused on promoting and sharing the art of storytelling through film from the unique perspective of the islands.

Founding editor and the Caribbean-American culture blog Rewind and Come Again, Alysia S. Christiani, who will team-up with CaFA for the Timehri Film Festival said storytelling is one of Caribbean filmmakers means of communicating and entertaining and over time, the artists have developed new ways to tell stories and discover new platforms to tell them.

To this, the team chose the South American country of Guyana where their roots lie. As lovers of Caribbean film, they will use this location as a natural step to seek a way to encourage and invest in the country’s film industry.

To learn more about the upcoming film festival and make a contribution, please go to and